
Archive for December, 2010

Wonderful, wonderful bread

I just got my e-mail notification from my friend Caron Golden, who is a wonderful cook, on her latest breadmaking adventure.  Wow!  If  you want to see a picture of bread that will make you instantly salivate, go to her blog at www.sandiegofoodstuff.com and see her post from 12/03/10 labeled My Bread Baking Revival, Reinhart-Style. 

I was thinking I might be able to work out a trade with her for some of that sourdough in exchange for some fluffy yeast rolls…I made them, as always, this past Thanksgiving and they came out so moist and delicious.   (For the recipe,  do a search for Buttery Yeast Rolls)

Caron’s inspired me to dust off my recipes for two of my favorite breads that I haven’t made in awhile.  They are made with Whole Wheat Flour.  One is a Hi-Protein Honey Wheat bread with a light, flavorful texture that uses cottage cheese in the mix and the other is a dense, dark wheat and rye with molasses and honey and all those other good things.  I’ll try and report back soon (with photos)…now where are those recipes????

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